Sunday, 19 January 2025

Crowjob in Space - 15.3.2024

Here is the most up to date version of the game so far. 



-Fixed PoV animation in IT-guy's scene
-Fixed an issue with a wrong background in Yamadas scene
-Fixed an error that prevented access to the bathroom at Chuck's bar
-Fixed a typo on Darlings & Calvins scene
-Fixed an issue where Darling would show up in the mothership too early

1 comment:

  1. Hey, man! It's been a while, and it's good to see you moving over here! I come to you with some feedback as usual, and here is what I found during my trek through this recent version:

    - Darling still shows up too early in the mothership after I picked up Null from the resort.
    - There's a bug that occurs when entering Station III, where you're unable to move at all unless you enter the ship and go back into Station III. And even then, you're not able to move across the screen until you repeat the process.
    - There's a typo in the IT-guy's scene, where he says, "I wish this would ever end" when 'ever' should be 'never'. Also, even after his scene ends, the sex music still plays - and it stays until you make it to the landing zone.

    Other than that, everything else seems to be just as you listed it in the description! And the game's still as fun as always! I'd love to be a part of the game sometime, too! Would love to give Calvin some good dick up his butt, hehe.~

    But yeah, good to hear from you, man. And I'm looking forward to the next update!
