I've already completed the queen xeno, but here's a little peek before I finalize the update.
Saturday, 1 February 2025
Saturday, 25 January 2025
Old animations
Here are some recordings from the old Crowjob in Space.
If you have any from the other one (with 2D animations but 3D backgrounds) let me know, and I can put up a separate tab for them all here!
Sunday, 19 January 2025
Crowjob in Space - 15.3.2024
Here is the most up to date version of the game so far.
-Fixed PoV animation in IT-guy's scene
-Fixed an issue with a wrong background in Yamadas scene
-Fixed an error that prevented access to the bathroom at Chuck's bar
-Fixed a typo on Darlings & Calvins scene
-Fixed an issue where Darling would show up in the mothership too early
Saturday, 18 January 2025
Yooo. Moving back in!
Keeping up a website is expensive business in the long run. I'll be moving all Crowjob related updates back in this here fine establishment soon.
Stay tuned 🐦
As before, I approve new comments manually. If your comment doesn't show up immediately it hasn't disappeared into the bit abyss, it's just waiting for approval. I do this to keep the place safe from a bot infestation.