Sunday, 15 January 2017

"When is the next update? When is the next update?"

If you would actually do any research, I dont know, look at my TWITTER once in a while, you know, that thing I specifically made to keep you guys up to date with stuff, you would know. OH, and Trello, which I've mentioned only like a hundred times by now.


Working on two character animation sets. 12-animations. Releasing at the same time. Currently, probably on monday.

Jesus fuck.


  1. I enjoy your work, and most of it is free to the public. You don't owe us anything. You do good stuff, so hang in there.

  2. I am waiting for that update have sooo many months, I am soo excited for that update!! :DD

  3. I really love your game and the Lore, you are amazing man!

  4. I dont mean to be a jerk, but goddamn, 51-emails in two months asking the same question. It peeves me.

    1. I can email 51 pictures of kittens laughing at dolphins if that'd make you smile.

  5. This is hilarious, I'm sorry Das.

  6. gonna be honest, didnt know you had made twitter updates.
    good thing to know works still being done, Yay Das!

  7. hey i am pretty new to you and your animations and i love them, i really admire how much you have done with this game and i dont have a twitter and i never found out about your trello but thank you for saying this... it really helps people like me and thank you for all of your hard work it is REALLY awesome!!

  8. Someone's salty, not everyone uses twitter or wants to use it, if you would just post 1 or two sentences that it is delayed that would be enough, your inconsistency is the reason why i am no Patron of yours and probably never will be

    1. You dont need an account to read the tweets.

    2. uh oh das look its a retard
